Tag: duct cleaning

The Importance of Air Conditioning Installation

Air Conditioning Installation

Air Conditioning Installation Los Angeles is an important process that many companies skip. This can lead to a less efficient machine that costs more in energy bills and reduces comfort.Air Conditioning Installation

Prepping the window: Check that the window frame can support the weight of an air conditioner. Look for any rot damage and shore up the window if needed.

Cooling our homes with technologically advanced AC systems used to be considered a luxury, but nowadays it’s a necessity. Not only does installing a new system add comfort and value to your property, but it can also improve your health and productivity and reduce the likelihood of expensive air conditioning repairs in the future. However, you’ll need to ensure that the air conditioner is properly installed to maximize its function and efficiency.

The ideal location for an air conditioner is one that maximizes the distribution of cooled air in your home and allows easy access to the unit for maintenance. For example, if your air conditioner is a wall-mounted unit, it should be located in a central location where the air can easily reach all rooms. It should also be positioned away from outdoor areas that your family regularly uses, such as a backdoor patio, so that it doesn’t disturb them.

You’ll also want to consider the amount of noise that an air conditioner produces. Although manufacturers have worked to minimize the amount of noise that their systems make, they are inevitably going to produce some. For that reason, it’s best to install the unit in a location away from outdoor areas where you and your family spend most of your time.

Additionally, you’ll need to be mindful of the proximity of your air conditioner to neighbors and pets. Some units are liable to emit a significant amount of noise, so it’s important to ensure that the unit is not too close to your neighbors’ doors or windows.

Finally, you’ll need to consider any trees that could drop leaves or twigs onto the unit. As a general rule, a tree should be no closer than five feet from an air conditioner. Otherwise, it can be damaged by falling debris and will require regular maintenance to remove any twigs or leaves.

If you’re planning to have an air conditioner installed in your home, it’s recommended that you hire a professional installer. They’ll be able to provide advice on the right type of air conditioning system for your home and how the installation process will go. A qualified and licensed installer will be able to ensure that your air conditioner is correctly installed so that it functions properly and efficiently.

Condenser Unit

The air conditioning system’s outdoor unit is called a condenser. It houses the compressor and the evaporator coil. The job of an AC condenser is to remove heat from your home by passing warm indoor air over the evaporator coil, which converts it back to a liquid form of refrigerant that returns to the compressor. The process is repeated until your home reaches the temperature set by your thermostat.

The evaporator coil is made of a set of metals that are resistant to heat, typically aluminum or copper. The coil absorbs the heat that’s transferred to it from your home through return ducts. The cooled-down refrigerant then travels to the condenser, where a fan blows air over it, removing the heat that’s trapped inside the coil. The evaporator coil is usually covered with a grating to keep debris such as sticks, leaves, and dust from getting in the way of its cooling effectiveness.

A motorized fan blows air over the coils in the evaporator portion of your AC system’s outdoor unit to help remove the heat. The hot air absorbs the cooled refrigerant, which then releases its heat into the outdoor air.

The condenser unit is located outside, so it must have free access to outdoor air in order to remove the heat from your home. That’s why it should never be placed in a garage or attic, which restricts its supply of fresh outdoor air.

in a shady area if possible, since the sun’s heat can damage the compressor and affect your home’s cooling. The location should also be away from low trees, fences, twigs, and other debris that can fall into the unit and cause problems.

Your new air conditioning installation should include a professional cleaning of the entire condenser unit to remove any dirt, dust, or other debris that may be collecting on the coil. This is an important step in maintaining your system’s efficiency and preventing premature damage. A qualified HVAC professional will have the proper equipment and tools to do this properly. Attempting to clean your system yourself could result in permanent damage to the compressor, which will require a costly replacement.

Line Set

A line set is a series of semi-flexible copper tubes that connect the air conditioner condenser unit outdoors to the indoor air handler in a ductless mini-split system. The lines are usually insulated and include the liquid line and suction line. They are connected with a flare connection on each end that creates a seal to protect the refrigerant lines and prevent air leakage. The line sets are sized to accommodate the size of the mini-split system and the distance between units.

Most newer line sets are pre-flared and pre-insulated. The insulation is made of closed-cell elastomeric foam pipe insulation. This insulation meets national and state energy code requirements for thermal efficiency and is UV-resistant to slow down deterioration.

The line set is also protected by the air conditioning installation company with a plastic line set cover. The covers are designed to fit over the line set, protecting it from direct sunlight and any weather elements that could cause damage over time. These covers are fully paintable, so you can customize them to match your home’s aesthetics.

If you want to replace a ductless AC unit in your home, it’s important to know that you will need to purchase a different size line set to accommodate the new model. This is because there are multiple factors that determine which size of line set to use, including the type and size of the new air conditioning unit, the number of evaporators, the distance between units, and the condenser size. An experienced ductless installer will be able to make sure you purchase the right size of line set to avoid problems down the road.

One of the most common mistakes that amateurs make is not ensuring they have the correct size line set for each new AC installation. This is a very costly mistake that can lead to your entire system breaking down over time. This is why we always recommend calling only expert ductless AC installation companies to work on your home. This way, you can be certain that your ductless AC in Las Vegas is properly sized for long-lasting performance.


Insulation is important to ensure your new AC system functions properly. Without proper insulation, air leaks can occur, which cause temperature fluctuations within your home and lead to higher energy bills. Insufficient insulation can also cause the HVAC unit to work harder, which can damage it. This is why professional installation teams take the time to install insulation at every point in the home where it may be missing.

This is especially true for the ductwork and vents that run through the attic. These areas can be easily overlooked, but they are critical for comfort and efficiency. The team should also be sure that all the piping and lines are adequately insulated to prevent them from overheating. In most cases, this will require foam insulating strips that can be cut to size and inserted into all the gaps and openings found.

Depending on the size of your home, the insulating material chosen can be either foam or fiberglass. The professionals should be able to recommend which type is best for your needs and your budget. The insulation will be installed at the same time as your AC equipment to prevent temperature fluctuations and help reduce the amount of energy needed to cool your home.

The piping around the suction line should be well insulated to protect it from overheating and freezing. This is especially true if the line runs through an unheated area of the house. If the piping isn’t sufficiently insulated, it will absorb heat from the sun and overheat, which can lead to the failure of the compressor or the line set.

In addition to insulating the piping, it’s also a good idea to wrap it in a protective coating such as ArmaFlex 520 BLV. This will protect the insulation from UV degradation and extend its life.

This will ensure that the air conditioning system is running as efficiently as possible and will provide you with years of reliable service. In addition, the insulation will allow you to purchase a smaller unit, which will decrease upfront costs and save you money on your electric bill each month.